Career Exploration within University Seminar

Below are two videos you will watch during two different class periods that will help explain the Focus 2 assessments you will be taking.

Career Exploration Video 1

The first video is a brief introductory video that will explain the Focus 2 assessment to you. Students will watch this video in a class period 1-3 weeks prior to their class discussion on Focus 2.

Career Exploration Video 2

This video will be shown to students in-class to open your class discussion regarding Focus 2. Remember, you will come to this class having completed the Focus 2 assessments and a pre-discussion worksheet. This video walks you through your results, discussing how you can use your Focus 2 results and what next steps you can take toward your career.

For more career exploration assistance, be sure to check out your “Career Exploration” module in your University Seminar Canvas course site, particularly the "Career Services Resources + Next Steps.docx (Optional Follow-up to Focus2)" section. You may also call Career Services at 512-245-2645 to schedule a career advising appointment.