BOBCATshadow Student Information
Shadow a Professional for a Day!
The BOBCATshadow program connects students with employers, community partners, and TXST alumni for a one-day behind-the-scenes experience learning from professionals in a selected career field or industry.
Benefits of Participating
- Conduct informational interviews with a variety of employees
- Participate in a guided tour of the facility
- Attend meetings or organizational events
- Observe and ask questions while shadowing daily tasks
- Participate during interactions with clients Meet new hires or current interns
- Meet TXST Alumni at the company
- Learn about career/internship opportunities within the organization
- May 20 and 21
*To see all photos and feedback from hosts and student participants: search #bobcatshadow on LinkedIn*
The firsthand, intimate experience that was arranged was very special. My fellow Bobcats and I were able to lead a lot of the conversation. We were able to break through on a personal level and talk about other career opportunities within Texas Parks and Wildlife and alternative skills that would benefit our career paths moving forward.
How to Participate
Keep a lookout in your inbox for updates on when the applications open
Login to Handshake with your netID and password
Search for "Texas State University - Career Services" to view shadow postings that are listed as "experiential learning" (i.e shadow opportunities) or simply follow this link below.
View jobs posted by Texas State University that begin with "BOBCATshadow"
Follow the instructions on the posting and apply!
Timeline | Description |
November | Review Handshake and apply to job shadow opportunities |
December 2 | Applications close for Winter Shadow |
January 8 or 9 | Participate in your Shadow Day! |
Steps to Apply
Ready to participate in BOBCATshadow? Follow the steps below.
- Login to Handshake with your netID and password
- Upload your resume to your profile
- Search for "Texas State University - Career Services" to view all shadow opportunities that are listed as "jobs" (i.e shadow opportunities) or simply follow this link above.
- View jobs posted by Texas State University that begin with "BOBCATshadow"
- Apply to each individual opportunity that interest you and that you are available to attend.
*It is highly recommended that you have your resume reviewed by Career Services prior to uploading it. Career Services offers a resume review or see us during drop-ins Monday – Friday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.
What will a typical BOBCATshadow experience include?
Each host will create their own experience for students. However, below are the most common practices for shadowing:
Conduct informational interviews with a variety of employees
Participate in a guided tour of the facility
Attend meetings or organizational events
Observe and ask questions while shadowing daily tasks
Participate during interactions with clients
Meet and greet college hires or current interns
Lunch with Alumni at the company
Learn about career/internship opportunities within the organization
Important Information
Mandatory Orientation
All TXSTshadow participants must complete a MANDATORY orientation prior to their shadow experience. This orientation will be held virtually.
Program Evaluation
After each TXSTshadow program session, both the TXSTshadow Student Participant and Host will evaluate their experience with the TXTSshadow program. Each Student Participant will receive an emailed survey within 3-4 business days after the shadow session concludes.
The TXSTshadow Student Participant will evaluate the following:
- Overall experience with TXSTshadow Hosts
- Satisfactory level of information learned towards making an informed career decision
- Communication of the TXSTshadow Program
- Areas for feedback and improvement
How many shadowing opportunities can I apply for?
Students are encouraged to apply for the BOBCATshadow opportunities that truly interest you based on industry/job preference and ones that you are available to participate.
What if I don't get selected to participate?
In the event a student it not matched with a shadow experience, Career Services will send information to the student with other opportunities and ways to explore careers of interest.
What if I need to cancel my BOBCATshadow experience?
By applying to any BOBCATshadow opportunity, you are committing to the experience and the shadow host. If a student participant is unable to follow through on their commitment for any reason, the student participant MUST notify Career Services within 3 business days of their shadow experience. Except in the case of extenuating circumstances, canceling after this window will prohibit a student from participating in a future BOBCATshadow program session.